Hyde Park Solutions are Achilles UVDB Qualified

Hyde Park Solutions are registered suppliers on Achilles in the category UVDB 

Hyde Park Solutions have a long track record of working with utilities and there supply chain to ensure they deliver the strategic outcomes required.  

The utilities market is fast moving, subject to ever more stringent regulation and new technologies. UVDB is the utility industry pre-qualification system used across the UK. Working closely with key buying organizations in the sector, this community helps them achieve the highest standards of supply chain assurance. 

At Hyde Park Solutions we know that Utility companies view their suppliers as an integral extension of their organisations and strive for a crystal clear and effective collaboration with top class suppliers. The UVDB Community helps to create business opportunities for suppliers in a collaborative, neutral environment whilst ensuring compliance to industry standards and reducing risks across the supply chain for buyers


HPS puts you in control

Hyde Park Solutions, Oracle Primavera partner, at the forefront of Portfolio & Project Management, having the largest number of certified professionals delivering solutions using P6, Unifier, Primavera Cloud, OPPM, Aconex, Primavera Analytics and Integration Cloud Service with global delivery teams.


Clients in control


UK Power Supplier Gets Regulatory Control

This client produces and supplies electricity and gas and is one of the largest investor-owned utili…

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Oil Company In Control of Investment Capital Planning

This client is a large Oil company based in Finland. It produces, refines and markets oil and renewa…

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Civil Aviation In Control of Capital Planning

Our client is a leading Civil Aviation organisation that designs, builds and maintains systems that …

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