oppm supports new investment portfolio management processleading scandinavian oil company implements OPPM

Revenue: 13 bn

Operations: 14 countries

Employees: 5,000

Synopsis: This enterprise is an oil refining and marketing company that produces, refines and markets oil products and provides engineering services, as well as licensing production technologies.

This leading oil and gas enterprise needed to replace its legacy approval and investment reporting system and saw this as an opportunity to adopt current investment best practice processes within their new investment management application, Oracle Primavera Portfolio Management (OPPM).

Having designed a new investment management and gated approvals process this organisation now needed to embed the process globally. It managed all levels of investment be it a bike for service engineers or a refinery, or a new refinery itself, everything was collected, managed and reported through OPPM.

Like most organisations the biggest challenge was to successfully manage historical or legacy data migration. This implementation was no different!  In this client’s case it was made even more challenging as the application was an in-house development, where the in-house expertise and documentation was no longer available. HPS senior consultants were asked to extract data from reports, create reference data and load transactional data into OPPM.

Our Approach

We ran a series of workshops with all organisational stakeholders to capture the various business units high level requirements which we documented and from which we developed a straw man prototype.

This was reviewed and developed by the joint client and HPS team in a series of collaborative sessions until finally documented and signed off.

The Solution

Implementing OPPM was seen by this client as a way to deliver the following functional improvements to an aging investment management process and in-house tool.

The OPPM solution delivered

  • a single tool to capture and manage investments from initiative capture to completed investment
  • support of the new investment management process – end to end including latest best practice
  • integration of SAP data using HPS’ PDU utility for real time investment reporting
  • a gated approvals and re-approvals process


The joint project team set about training the organisation’s super users who then trained the operational staff while HPS trained the organisations internal and outsourced technical team.

HPS is retained today by this client to provide technical and business support. We have upgraded their Oracle solution twice.

This client was able to

  • view each and every initiative and approved investment in the one place
  • drill down into the detail – business case
  • identify and manage inter-dependencies of investments
  • report on the actual cost, against budget and forecast on a month to month and project basis

This client commented:

“… we have an enterprise investment management system that enables us to manage and track investment approvals as they move through the investment lifecycle…”

“…getting legacy system data into our new Oracle Primavera Portfolio Management application was difficult but HPS did it with relative ease”

“Hyde Park Solutions’ PDU data integration utility brings our two donor data sources into OPPM every time without error, a reliable simple data integration solution”

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