APM Scottish conference 2018

It was great to see that the APM Scottish Conference 2018 with HPS as a Sponsor went so well. The conference, which is the go-to event for all project managers and corporate employers in Scotland, really did focus on shaping the next generation of project managers.

To help give real value to Scotland’s future projects a truly inspiring and insightful experience shared many of the needed. There was a vibrant mix of interactive and plenary sessions plus plenty of opportunities to network and engage with fellow project management professionals.

As the Scottish Conference Keynote Speaker Amy Williams was a delight. With an established career competing against world-class Olympians in challenging conditions, Amy offered advice on what it takes to prepare both mentally and physically for high-pressure situations. The two workstreams were well attended, interactive and it was evident from the participation and questions that the attendees and presenters alike enjoyed the discussion.

The award-winning Association for Project Management (APM) is the Chartered body for the project profession. With over 23,000 individual and 600 corporate members throughout the UK and abroad their aim is to develop and promote professional project management across all sectors.

Hyde Park Solutions Ltd are delighted to also be sponsoring the next APM Project Management Conference 2018, on 25th April 2018 at Central Hall Westminster Storey’s Gate London SW1H 9NH. This year’s conference, Future Proof, will aim to inspire the profession of today for the challenges of tomorrow and will feature a number of exceptional and influential speakers. Expect to learn and be challenged on building your career and ensuring future project success.

And calling all apprentices! There is a Poster Competition. Have you been involved in a project you would like to showcase to the 2018 delegates at the APM Project Management Conference?

We are looking for you to submit a poster on a project you are proud of. The poster should highlight the challenges, successes and benefits of your findings while working on the project. Click here to find out more.


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