Project Risk Management

Project management is complex and so many things can go wrong in the project management process that it can sometimes feel over whelming. There can be things that are more out of your control like, bad weather, union activity or personality conflicts and misunderstanding but there are many more things that can be more easily managed like communication, defined goals and objectives and effective management.

Whatever the issues an awareness of the barriers, risks and issues that can affect every phase of the process of project management has to be considered in the project risk management process. Good project management discipline will not eliminate all risks, issues and surprises but it can provide standard processes and procedures to deal with them when they do arise.

By anticipating and engaging with a good project risk management process you will be able to mitigate against; projects finishing late, exceeding budget or not meeting customer expectations, you will be able to iron out inconsistency between the processes and procedures used by different project managers, you can minimise high stress levels, the squandering of goodwill and the over use of overtime.

HPS know that effective project risk assessments are key to good project management which is all about creating an environment and conditions in which a particular goal or objective can be achieved in as controlled a manner as possible. Whether you’re engaged in a project methodology for the first time or a seasoned pro making sure you have robust risk assessments in place is vital.


HPS puts you in control

Hyde Park Solutions, Oracle Primavera partner, at the forefront of Portfolio & Project Management, having the largest number of certified professionals delivering solutions using P6, Unifier, Primavera Cloud, OPPM, Aconex, Primavera Analytics and Integration Cloud Service with global delivery teams.


Clients in control


UK Power Supplier Gets Regulatory Control

This client produces and supplies electricity and gas and is one of the largest investor-owned utili…

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Oil Company In Control of Investment Capital Planning

This client is a large Oil company based in Finland. It produces, refines and markets oil and renewa…

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Civil Aviation In Control of Capital Planning

Our client is a leading Civil Aviation organisation that designs, builds and maintains systems that …

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